How stressed is the ECB?
The Institute for Quantitative Finance calculates monthly ECB Stress Scores. The scores reflect the stress that the ECB is under due to inflation and interest rate developments in the euro area. Three stress scores are derived: an inflation-based score, an interest rate spread-based score, and an aggregate score that combines the two scores.
Each of the three scores is composed of two components: a level component reflecting the deviation of inflation and interest rate spreads from "ideal" levels, and a dispersion component reflecting the heterogeneity of inflation and interest rate spreads across euro area member countries.
The ECB Aggregate Stress score combines the inflation stress and the interest rate stress scores shown below. As the individual stress scores, the aggregate stress score is composed of two components:
Data source: Eurostat, ECB, Bundesbank
The ECB Aggregate Inflation Stress score reflects the stress that the ECB is under due to the inflation rates at which eurozone countries are deviating from the ECB's 2% inflation target. The aggregate inflation stress score is a function of two components:
Also shown, the ECB key interest rate for main refinancing operations.
Data source: Eurostat, Bundesbank
The ECB Aggregate Interest Rate Stress score reflects the stress that the European Central Bank is under as a result of the movement in ten-year government bond rates in the eurozone countries. The aggregate interest rate stress score is made up of two components:
Data source: ECB
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