Welcome to the Institute for Quantitative Finance

Solutions for Finance

The Institute for Quantitative Finance specializes in research, modeling, and software development in finance. Our focus is on solving real-world finance problems using insights from latest scientific research and state-of-the-art methods.

Research in Finance

We specialize on research on financial markets and investment strategies to produce in-depth analyses and solutions.


We develop mathematical, statistical and AI-based models and algorithms to analyze and solve complex financial problems.

Software Development

With tailor-made software solutions, we facilitate efficient workflows and automated processes.


Experience. Competence. Excellence.


The Institute for Quantitative Finance enjoys an excellent reputation as a specialist for developing tailor-made solutions for the financial industry. It was founded as a spin-off from the University of Kiel with the intention of solving problems in financial practice by leveraging cutting-edge scientific knowledge and state-of-the-art methods.

We offer comprehensive services in the areas of financial market research, forecasting, modeling, software development, consulting and training. Our primary focus is to develop robust solutions for the financial industry and to ensure their implementation and ongoing development.

Transfering cutting-edge research findings into practical applications is at the heart of our commitment. We conduct independent original research and maintain close relationships with local and international research institutions. For specific research tasks, we put together competent research teams from the scientific community and supervise and support them throughout the entire project life cycle.


Sven Christiansen, CEO

Professor and Vice President for Research at the Brand University of Applied Sciences in Hamburg. Received a degree in quantitative business administration and his Ph.D. from the University of Kiel, Germany.


Scientific Advisory Board

Martin Missong, Professor of Empirical Economics and Applied Statistics, University of Bremen

Stefan Mittnik, Professor of Financial Econometrics; Director, Center for Quantitative Risk Analysis (CEQURA), Ludwig Maximilians University Munich

Svetlozar T. Rachev, Professor of Mathematical Finance, Probability Theory and Statistics, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas

Willi Semmler, Arnhold Professor of International Cooperation and Development, The New School, New York


Albis Capital AG & Co. KG

City of Kiel

Clearstream International S.A.

Deutsche Börse AG

Deutsches Institut für Service-Qualität

Dresdner Kleinwort Securities Limited

Finanalytica Inc.

Finanzen Verlag

HSH Nordbank AG

Holderstock Media

Ifo Institute for Economic Research, Munich

MEAG MUNICH ERGO AssetManagement GmbH

Ministry of Finance of the State of Schleswig-Holstein

Nordaktienbank AG

Oppenheim Vermögenstreuhand GmbH



Email:       mail@iqfin.de

Address:  Schauenburgerstr. 116, 24118 Kiel, Germany

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